


I am between you and me.
Because there are no boundaries
through us, over us and beneath us.

{… }

I am the unlimited, yet not created.
Because my creation never begun,
it always was, were and will be.

{… }

I am the rainbow that you can touch.
Because this is my reality even though
you don’t want to believe in miracles.

{… }

I am the memory of love.
Because when I regret the past
I stop living this open present
called life.

{… }

Tell me where can I…
Leave your memories,
if I never was you.
Leave my memories
but always was you.

{… }

With love, my dear,
with love, I may understand you,
and open this closed book,
forever and back.

[She had no options. She was portraying someone else’s identity, but had lived another reality. What would happen if she couldn’t return to her body?
She was not worried, but afraid of losing what she cared most: “What she believed she was.”
She couldn’t take it anymore. She fainted.]


Where am I
if I don’t know
who am I?

{… }

Am I the star?
Am I the body?
Am I a scar?
Am I everybody?
Where is creation kept
while I am asleep?

{… }

Inside me,
as I dream,
as I begin,

{… }

Miracles are constantly
covering the cells of my body,
the mended of emotions,
the ended thoughts
of the night.

[She woke up on the floor of the storage ward with her feet and arms wrapped. As soon as she was going to stand up, she felt the cloths straining her joints softly until she was pulled into the air, and felt how another dress was put over her.
She cried,” Please! Leave me alone!”
No one was listening. She began to lose reality. She felt sheltered by light rays until it all was light. She closed her eyes. It had happened again.]


My body is lost.
Remembered faces
become empty spaces.

{… }

My portrait is blurred
through time.
Who I was,
ended today.

{… }

So the miracle of life is given
in the fog of this dream.

{… }

…You are mine,
and I am yours.

{… }

If there is possession,
it is of such a nature
none posses.

{… }

In this continuous
marathon of cycles,
what you believe
is meant to be yours,
never was and will be.

{… }

The body is lost.
Those faces become
empty spaces
united in me,
sparkles of love.

[This time, the new outfit took her to her to a small room where children were playing. She wore a green velvet dress with tiny stones that sparkled. She stared at them without realizing what was happening there. Those kids would make a pact that would seal the secret forever.]

Joyful youth…
Where did you leave me?
I can’t find myself.
I am not kind with me anymore.
I forgot why I played with you…

{… }

…Playful youth,
words seem to be fragile,
they break your heart,
and mend it as soon
love comes by.

{… }

Truly youth…
¡Wake up!
¡We are not a follow up!
We are a lead,
driving changes into others,
like a miracle of light,
by example, by love,
the needed fuel to undertake
the future the new evolution.

{… }
Lovely youth…
Dancing stars hoping for
a brilliant future,
a glittering adventure
that would make us understand:
Who are we,
where will go,
what will we be…


[“Come back” a kid shouted.
“You haven’t told us if you are willing to go there.” Another one said.
“Yes.” Ity said without knowing where she would go to. Her decisions seemed to be based on others, more than on herself. Why couldn’t she refuse? When she wore the dress, she seemed to act. If she wished to do something, she couldn’t. She sort of time traveled becoming someone else’s moment.]

People working,
enchanted by those
who portray
expensive examples,
leather jackets
hiding silky skin.

People working,
enchanted by those
who portray
expensive examples,
leather jackets
hiding silky skin.

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