Stop the words,
stop those thoughts
find eternity at home,
circular events that
leaves us torn apart
are in vain.
{… }
Because we were never apart,
we were confused,
we forgot,
we misunderstood,
Understand, remember, and unite
what was created as one.
{… }
The reason we are,
the reason we were,
the reason we will be
is love, pure, free,
and delightful love.
[They reached a house, and entered into a beautiful garden full of flower decorations.
“That is your future husband.” He said pointing her a man that stood beside a fountain.
“Oh, my gosh! That is my best friend’s grandfather. Did I tell you why I had to marry him?”
“No, I think you love him.” He said, and instantly was interrupted by Ity’s future husband that ran toward her, hugged her, and said. “It is time.”]
Leaves are falling…
It is my memory
trying to rejoice
with the ritual,
perpetual life cycle.
{… }
Flowers are dead…
It is my body
that fulfills
with each sweet bite
of reality I take.
{… }
Trees are dancing…
It is my spirit
trying to find a answer
inside the forest of time.
{… }
When will I be ready to leave?
Lifecycles seem eternal,
and I must die…
{… }
When will time end?
When I find love…
{… }
Where is love?
In me…
In you…
In us…
{… }
Why do we forget
who we are?
{…Is it time to continue what others have created? When will we confront ourselves?}
[“I don’t understand what is happening here…” She thought, and as tears rolled down her cheeks he kissed her. She couldn’t stand the feeling of emptiness. She had known that man very well, and was fond of him as of her own grandfather.
“Where is the limit that divides this woman from me?” asked Ity inside her head.
There was no answer, yet.]